1. It is a compendious, easy realization control method for controlling for arc furnace. �÷�����һ�ּ�ʵ�õĿ��Ʒ�����
2. How is it that the Greeks made their language the most graceful and compendious mode of expression ever known among men? ϣ��������ʹ������Ϊ���ǵ�������һ�����Ŷ������ı��﷽ʽ�أ�
3. The purpose of this thesis is based on optical scanning systems to probe the inner structures of silicon IC chips by compendious and valid methods. ���������Թ�ѧɨ��ϵͳΪ�������������Ƭ�ڲ��Ľṹ������Ƴ���Ч����ļܹ���