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commitment [kə'mitmənt]



    n. ��ŵ����֤��ί�У��е���������



    1. Answer: commitment and skills.
    2. That is our commitment to you!
    3. Your success depends on your commitment!


      1. the trait of sincere and steadfast fixity of purpose
      2. the act of binding yourself (intellectually or emotionally) to a course of action
      3. an engagement by contract involving financial obligation
      4. a message that makes a pledge
      5. the official act of consigning a person to confinement (as in a prison or mental hospital)


    ��ŵ; ��ŵ; �е�; ��ŵ����δ����Ȩ�棩;
    organizational commitment
    ��֯��ŵ; �M�����Z; ��֯��ͬ��; �M����
    financial commitment
    �����е���; ������֤; �����ŵ; �����е��� �ƾ�;
    contractual commitment
    new commitment
    �³е���Ŀ; �³е���;


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