1. The outlines of such a commercial software are pretty clear. ����һ����ҵ�������������൱�����ġ�
2. To crack a DES encrypted message a hacker or commercial spy would need to try 255 possible keys. Ϊ��һ��DES���ܵı��ģ��ڿͻ���ҵ�����Ҫ����255�ֿ��ܵ�Կ�ס�
3. Responsible for long term plan. Include production, commercial, cost, expense, investment, cash flow and so on. �����ڲ���ƻ��ı��ƣ��������������ɱ������á�Ͷ�ʡ��ֽ����ȡ�
1. a commercially sponsored ad on radio or television
2. connected with or engaged in or sponsored by or used in commerce or commercial enterprises
3. of or relating to commercialism
4. of the kind or quality used in commerce; average or inferior
commercial ��ҵ��;
Commercial Company ��ҵ��˾;