1. I should perhaps point out that Crazy Racer is not social commentary, in itself. Ҳ����Ӧ��ָ�����������ⲿ��Ӱ����������ʵ��������
2. Interestingly, the commentary advises the US to be pragmatic towards the actual conditions of Afghanistan . ��Ȥ���ǣ����۽���������������ʵ�������ʵ�����ǵġ�
3. Provides articles on new technologies and installations as well as market reports, news, commentary and analysis. �ṩ�¼������¼��������£��Լ���ʩ���г����棬���ţ����ۺͷ�����
1. a written explanation or criticism or illustration that is added to a book or other textual material