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    1. Both stars were absent from a commencement ceremony held on July 14 in Beijing.
    2. All the other graduation events had been canceled, but the commencement ceremony itself was set to go on as planned.
    3. When I first received the invitation to speak at your commencement ceremony, I thought back to my own graduation many, many years ago and you know what?
    4. Now, I will declare the Opening Ceremony of the First Semester of 2008-2009 of VRFLS & Starting Ceremony of Striving for "Sunshine Youngster" now begins.
    5. Customary line to shake hands with ceremony, identity of the society must have a person to kiss the hands ceremony.


    commencement ceremony
    ��������; ��ѧλ����;
    commencement ceremony
    ��������; ��ѧλ����;
    ��ʼ; ��ҵ����; ��ҵʽ; �ص����;
    commencement date
    ��������; ʩ������; ��������; �ܱ�����;
    commencement address


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