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commencement [kə'mensmənt]



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    1. Examinations are past and Commencement Day is at hand.
    2. With commencement exercises happening these days all over the world, today is a good time to write again about the Graduation Pledge Alliance.
    3. ADB projects require to establish project monitoring and evaluation system before the commencement of loan, to issue project report quarterly or semiannually.


      1. the time at which something is supposed to begin
      2. an academic exercise in which diplomas are conferred
      3. the act of starting something


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    commencement ceremony
    ��������; ��ѧλ����;
    commencement date
    ��������; ʩ������; ��������; �ܱ�����;
    commencement address
    commencement day


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