1. The crew consists of a commander, a gunner, and a pilot. ��Ա����һ��ָ�ӹ١�һλ���ֺ�һλ��ʻ��
2. The US commander there says if he needs more he will ask for more. �Ƕ�������˾���˵�����Ҫ�Ļ������������IJ��ӡ�
3. Large and small card design has its reason, King (now Commander) represents the sun, the moon represents Wang. ��С���Ƶ����Ҳ�����������������˾�������̫����С��������������
1. an officer in command of a military unit
2. someone in an official position of authority who can command or control others
3. a commissioned naval officer who ranks above a lieutenant commander and below a captain
4. an officer in the airforce