1. I bet you gonna ambush me. You'll have me down, down, down, down, down on my knees. Now wouldn't you, barracuda? Oh-oh. �ҸҴ������Ҫ�����ң��㽫ʹ�ҹ����������������ڵء�Ȼ����ͳ������㣬������?ร��ޡ�
2. "Come see, Come see, this is a small sparrow, ah Come see! Or live it! " I'm calling loudly and walk out with me friends -. ����������������������һֻС��ȸ���������������ǻ���أ����Ҵ��������ź���һ�����ɢ�������ѡ����������
3. "Come see, Come see, this is a small sparrow, ah Come see! Or live it! " I'm calling loudly and walk out with me friends -. ����������������������һֻС��ȸ���������������ǻ���أ����Ҵ��������ź���һ�����ɢ�������ѡ����������
4. Good! Old tree roots is the best place to lean on and rest. Come, come sit down with me and rest. ��ƻ�������к�˵���ã�����������������п�����Ϣ�ĵط��������������������ԣ��ú���Ϣ��
5. Lo, the evening has come down upon the shore and in the fading light the seabirds come flying to their nests. ���գ�ĺɫ�Ѿ����ֺ�������ã�ﺣ����Ⱥ�ɹ鳲��
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail ����;
drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail ����;
disassembly knock down strip take down take-down tear down teardown ��ж;
disassembly knock down strip take down take-down tear down teardown ��ж;
disassembly knock down strip take down take-down tear down teardown ��ж;