1. Water has no colour, but beer is coloured. ˮû����ɫ����ơ������ɫ�ġ�
2. All you need is a pen, some pieces of coloured paper and a glass. ������Ҫ��ȫ��������һ֧�ʣ����Ų�ɫֽ��һ����������
3. From a drawer in his desk he takes a sheet of paper displaying 12 coloured photographs of "martyrs": four brothers and eight cousins, all murdered because of their kinship to himself. �����Լ����ӵij������ó�һ��ֽ������չʾ��12λ����ʿ���IJ�ɫ��Ƭ���ĸ��ֵܣ���λ���ֵܣ�����Ϊ���Լ���������ϵ����ıɱ�ˡ�
1. having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination
2. favoring one person or side over another
3. (used of color) artificially produced; not natural
4. having skin rich in melanin pigments