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coloured ['kʌləd]



    adj. ��ɫ�ģ���ɫ��
    n. ��Ѫ�ˣ���ɫ���ֵ���
    vt. ������ɫ��colour�Ĺ�ȥʽ�͹�ȥ�ִʣ�




    1. Water has no colour, but beer is coloured.
    2. All you need is a pen, some pieces of coloured paper and a glass.
    3. From a drawer in his desk he takes a sheet of paper displaying 12 coloured photographs of "martyrs": four brothers and eight cousins, all murdered because of their kinship to himself.


      1. having color or a certain color; sometimes used in combination
      2. favoring one person or side over another
      3. (used of color) artificially produced; not natural
      4. having skin rich in melanin pigments


    �в�ɫ��; ��ɫ��; ��ɫ��; ����ɫ��;
    coloured paper
    Ⱦɫֽ; ɫֽ; ��ɫֽ;
    coloured bulb
    ��ɫ�ƿ�; ��ɫ����; ɫ����;
    coloured glass
    ��ɫ����; ��ɫ����; ��������ɫͼƬ; ���壺��ɫ����;
    coloured cement


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