1. It is for this reason that Bee advises initiates to be cognisant of the type of guidance one is receiving. ������۷�Ҫ�Ҹ�������ȥ��ʶ�������յ�ָ�������͵�ԭ��
2. Whilst perhaps not using the term Organisational Body Language, airlines and airframe manufacturers are cognisant of the effect of image. ����û���õ���֯֫�����ԣ����չ�˾�ͷɻ�������Ҳ����ʶ����ҵ��������á�
3. And amidst all this frantic activity, fully cognisant of our own eminent demise - which is our own pretty way of saying we all know we're gonna die - We reach out to one another. ����Щ����״����˵�����ǻ���������Լ�������һ������վ��ޡ���˵���˾�������֪���Լ�����������������������ǻ����ſ�˫�۽��ɱ˴ˡ�
1. (sometimes followed by `of') having or showing knowledge or understanding or realization or percepti