1. He was clumping about the kitchen in heavy boots. �����ű��ص�ѥ���ڳ���������ȥ��
2. Polarity in it's very nature spins in a manner that causes energy to coagulate or clump in one place and lack in another. ����������һ�ַ�ʽ��ת���ر������У�����������ij����������飬������һ��ȴû��������
3. As our nebula began to collapse under its own gravity and spin faster, a dense clump of matter formed in the center. It's called a protostar. �����ǵ��������������������±������ӿ��ٵ���תʱ�����������γ����ܼ������ʿ顣�����ԭ���ǡ�
1. a grouping of a number of similar things
2. a compact mass
3. a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects) v.
1. make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground
2. come together as in a cluster or flock
3. walk clumsily
4. gather or cause to gather into a cluster