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clump [klʌmp]



    n. �ԣ����صĽŲ���������
    vi. �γ�һ�ԣ��Գ��صIJ�������
    vt. ʹ��һ�ԣ�ʹ����ɿ�



    1. He was clumping about the kitchen in heavy boots.
    2. Polarity in it's very nature spins in a manner that causes energy to coagulate or clump in one place and lack in another.
    3. As our nebula began to collapse under its own gravity and spin faster, a dense clump of matter formed in the center. It's called a protostar.


      1. a grouping of a number of similar things
      2. a compact mass
      3. a heavy dull sound (as made by impact of heavy objects)
      1. make or move along with a sound as of a horse's hooves striking the ground
      2. come together as in a cluster or flock
      3. walk clumsily
      4. gather or cause to gather into a cluster


    �н�; ����; �Կ�; ����ͳ��;
    clump weight
    clump hair
    Clump Width
    clump theory


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