1. Then cloud motion winds are derived from these tracers and after a circumfluence analysis on the cloud motion winds, the cloud motion winds are compared with the rawinsonde winds. ���ø÷���ѡȡ��ʾ���ƽ����Ƽ��練�ݣ�Ȼ��Է��ݳ����Ƽ�����л�������������̽�շ���бȽϡ�
2. The natural precipitation and cloud seeding of cumulonimbus clouds with warm cloud base in Fujian are simulated by using a dual-parameter cumulonimbus cloud model. ����һά������˫����ģʽģ�⸣��ʡ��ů������Ȼ��ˮ���̺ʹ����̡�
3. Cloud base height as an important cloud macro physical parameter, plays an important role in energy exchanges between the cloud-layer and the surface. �Ƶ߶���Ϊ��Ҫ���ƺ�������������������Ʋ���ر�֮�������������������Ҫ���á�
4. The summer sand-dust storm is as characteristics of middle-small scale cloud cluster on cloud image, the cloud cluster of TBB��-35�� can show the change of sandstorm in summer. �ļ�ɳ������ͼ��������Ϊ��С�߶����ţ�TBB��-35���������һ���̶����ܹ���ӳɳ���������ı仯��
5. The natural precipitation and cloud seeding of cumulonimbus clouds with warm cloud base in Fujian are simulated by using a dual-parameter cumulonimbus cloud model. ����һά������˫����ģʽģ�⸣��ʡ��ů������Ȼ��ˮ���̺ʹ����̡�
And all the days of Methuselah were nine hundred sixty and nine years �������������˾Ű���ʮ��������ˡ�;
In all Methuselah lived nine hundred and sixty-nine years Ĭͻ���������˾Ű���ʮ�������ˡ�;