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circulation [,sə:kju'leiʃən]



    n. ��ͨ��������ѭ����������


    1. The circulation of gossip is abhorrent.
    2. Modern papermaking is a water circulation process.
    3. Lastly, it is circulation that the securities pursue.


      1. the dissemination of copies of periodicals (as newspapers or magazines)
      2. movement through a circuit; especially the movement of blood through the heart and blood vessels
      3. (library science) the count of books that are loaned by a library over a specified period
      4. number of copies of a newspaper or magazine that are sold
      5. free movement or passage through a series of vessels (as of water through pipes or sap through a pla
      6. the spread or transmission of something (as news or money) to a wider group or area


    ������; ���з���; ѭ��; ����;
    in circulation
    �������; δ���; ���; �ڴ����У�����ͨ��;
    out circulation
    ������; ���;
    circulation department
    ��ͨ������; ���в�; ��ͨ��; ������;
    forced circulation
    ǿ��ѭ��; ����ѭ��; ǿ��ѭ��; ǿѹѭ��;


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