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circular ['sə:kjulə]



    adj. ѭ���ģ�Բ�εģ���ӵ�
    n. ֪ͨ������




    1. Because data is stored in a spiral fashion, users should avoid wiping the disc in a circular motion.
    2. By reconstruct on coping's structure of the Limekiln, Introduce a method of cooling the coping using atmosphere and circular water .
    3. Your application may not be considered if you fail to provide all information as requested in the recruitment advertisement/circular.


      1. an advertisement (usually printed on a page or in a leaflet) intended for wide distribution
      2. having a circular shape
      3. shaped like a ring
      4. marked by or moving in a circle


    ͨ��; Բ�ε�; Բ��; Բ��;
    ԲͲ��֯��; ԲͲ��֯ ��; Բ����֯��; ԲͲ��;
    circular motion
    Բ���˶�; Բ���˶�; Բ�˶�; ���߶���;
    Circular Fillet
    Բ��б��; Բ�����;
    circular permutation
    ѭ������; ��������; Բ������; ѭ������任����״�任;


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