1. A special teacher was leading a group of child, there are Down's child, ADHD child, speech delayed child and hypertonia child in this group. һλ������ʦ�����캢��������������Ⱥ�����������϶����������������ϰ��ĺ��Ӽ����ⷢ�����ѵĺ��ӡ�
2. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. �����ǻ���С����ʱ������С��һ��˵������С������˼������С������������
3. I wanted you to play, like a child��for you were a child, a brave, frightened, bullheaded child. ��Ҫ��ȥ�棬��������Ƶ�-�ο��㱾�����Ǹ����ӣ�һ���¸ҵġ�ʱ���������µġ���ǿ�ĺ��ӡ�
4. First, children were involved in four social play types, which included onlooker behavior, parallel play, associative play and cooperative play. ��֮���������Ϸ��̬�����Թ���Ϊ��ƽ����Ϸ��������Ϸ�ͺ�����Ϸ���֡�
5. First, children were involved in four social play types, which included onlooker behavior, parallel play, associative play and cooperative play. ��֮���������Ϸ��̬�����Թ���Ϊ��ƽ����Ϸ��������Ϸ�ͺ�����Ϸ���֡�
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