1. If you earn much money, the best way to spend it is on charitable deeds while you are alive. ������˺ܶ�Ǯ����õķ������ǣ���������֮�꣬�������ڴ�����ҵ�ϡ�
2. My grandfather, who was a millionaire, often received begging letters from charitable organizations. �游�Ǹ����̣��������յ�һЩ������֯������ļ���š�
3. If you take on a new role in a club or humanitarian or charitable organization, the job you accept will be a weighty one of leadership. �������һ�Ҿ��ֲ����˵��������ƻ����õ���һ���¹�������ô�������ܵĹ����������쵼�ײ���صġ�
1. relating to or characterized by charity
2. full of love and generosity
3. showing or motivated by sympathy and understanding and generosity