1. He was colorful, he was charismatic, he was controversial, he was a good story. �����˶�ʣ���������Ⱥ�����������磬����������һ�����¡�
2. The question pertains to any kind of domination, hence also to political domination in all its forms, traditional as well as legal and charismatic. ��������ʺ��ڸ���ͳ�Σ����Ҳ�ʺ����ڸ�����ʽ�ϵ�����ͳ�Σ���ͳ�ģ����ɵģ����������ġ�
3. We have lost a great leader, an example of pleasantness, correctness and personality. The defence is the same of last year, but we lack a charismatic element. ����ʧȥ��һλΰ������䣬һ������죬��ȷ���Եķ�����������ȥ��һ����������ȱ����һ����������Ԫ�ء�
1. possessing an extraordinary ability to attract