1. The plot is good but the characterization lets you down. ������ڲ�����������������ȴ����ʧ����
2. The applications of thermal analysis techniques in characterization of compound, food analysis and drug analysis are reviewed in this article. �����˽������ȷ��������ڻ����������ʳƷ������ҩƷ�����������Ӧ�������
3. A quantitative characterization method for leather softness was established based on the relationship among leather softness and its bend strength and compressibility. ����Ƥ�����������俹��ǿ�ȺͿ�ѹ����֮��Ĺ�ϵ��������һ��Ƥ�������ȵĶ�������������
1. a graphic or vivid verbal description
2. the act of describing distinctive characteristics or essential features
3. acting the part of a character on stage; dramatically representing the character by speech and actio