1. I am a victim of character assassination. ����Ϊ���������������ܺ��ߡ�
2. The opposition is trying to do character assassination on our candidate by bringing up details from his messy divorce. ������ͼ�����ҷ���ѡ�˻�����˳��Ϊ��ʵ����������������
3. False teachers in Corinth were engaged in 'character assassination' against Paul while trying to build themselves up at his expense. ��Ϊ���ֶ�ļٽ�ʦΪ��̧���Լ����Ա����������ֵ�����������
4. their names would be added to antiabortion " assassination" lists on the Web; ���DZ��������Ϸ���̥��֯�ġ���ɱ��������
5. Give bodyguards to your most valuable mags. During an assassination attempt up to 5 bodyguards will fight alongside the mage against the assassin. Ϊ�������ķ�ʦ���䱸��������������ɱʱ����������5����������һ��ս���Կ��̿͡�
character assassination �˸����;
character assassination �˸����;