1. Mealtimes are ceremonious affairs which must be attended by every member of the family. �Է�ʱ�䣬��һ��������ڵ��£��������˶���μӡ�
2. His cold, ceremonious tone did not proceed from his feeling for her (of that she was convinced), but that tone covered something. ���������������䵭̬�Ȳ��dz��������ĵ������ĸ��飨��һ������֪���ģ���������̬���ڸ���ij�ֶ�����
3. White wedding dress is still the best choice for Chinese bride. This traditional features a long veil and back for a more ceremonious effect. �����İ�ɫ��ɴ�����й���������룬������ͷɴ�������Եø�Ϊ¡�ء�
1. characterized by pomp and ceremony and stately display
2. rigidly formal or bound by convention