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cast [kɑ:s, kæst]



    vt. Ͷ���ף����㣻������Ͷ�䣨�⡢Ӱ�����ߵȣ�
    n. Ͷ�����ף����������ͣ���Ա���ݣ�������
    vi. Ͷ���״����㹳�����㣬�Ѽ������ּ�����




throw   ��ͨ�ôʣ�ʹ�ù㷺����ָ�������������漰������ʽ�����ɫ�ʡ�
cast   ������throw������ָѸ���ӳ�һ��������������塣
fling   ָ����Ͷ����������鼤�����ֱ��ػ�����Ŀ�ĵ��Ӷ�����
heave   ָ�����������ӳ���
hurl   ͨ��ָ����Ͷ��������Ѹ�ͣ���Ͷ���ľ���Ҳ��Զ��
pitch   ָ����ء�����������ӣ����ط����Ժ�����ȷ��Ŀ�ꡣ
toss   ָ��ʲôĿ�ĵء�����ء�����������ӣ��������Ķ���һ�㶼�Ƚ��ᡣ


    1. The boy cast a stone into the water.
    2. The statue was cast in bronze.
    3. Do not cast pearls before swine.


      1. the actors in a play
      2. container into which liquid is poured to create a given shape when it hardens
      3. the distinctive form in which a thing is made
      4. the visual appearance of something or someone
      5. bandage consisting of a firm covering (often made of plaster of Paris) that immobilizes broken bones
      6. object formed by a mold
      7. the act of throwing dice
      8. the act of throwing a fishing line out over the water by means of a rod and reel
      9. a violent throw
      1. put or send forth
      2. deposit
      3. select to play,sing, or dance a part in a play, movie, musical, opera, or ballet
      4. throw forcefully
      5. assign the roles of (a movie or a play) to actors
      6. move about aimlessly or without any destination, often in search of food or employment
      7. form by pouring (e.g., wax or hot metal) into a cast or mold
      8. get rid of
      9. choose at random
      10. formulate in a particular style or language
      11. eject the contents of the stomach through the mouth
      1. (of molten metal or glass) formed by pouring or pressing into a mold


    ����; ����; ģ��Ʒ; ǿ��ת��;
    cast iron
    ����; ����; �������Ƶ�; ��װ��Ԫ���;
    cast down
    ��ɥ; ʹ��ɥ; ����ת��; ����;
    cast molding
    ���ܳ���; ���ܳ���; ע�ͳ���(��֬); ����;
    Cast Shadows
    Ͷ����Ӱ; ������Ӱ; ͶӰ��Ӱ; ����;


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