1. A North American finch(Cardinalis cardinals) having a crested head, a short, thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male. ����ȸһ�ֱ�����������ȸ����ȸ������ͷ������ڣ�̶����������ëɫ�����졣
2. A North American finch(Cardinalis cardinals) having a crested head, a short, thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male. ����ȸһ�ֱ�����������ȸ����ȸ������ͷ������ڣ�̶����������ëɫ�����졣
3. North American finch (Cardinalis cardinals) having a crested head, a short, thick bill, and bright red plumage in the male. һ�ֱ�����������ȸ����ȸ������ͷ������ڣ�̶����������ëɫ�����졣
4. There can be no doubt, then, that YUP played a major role in the evolution of bird pollination in M. cardinalis. ���ɵģ�YUP�ں���ͷ����ý�����ݻ��а����˹ؼ���ɫ��