1. Based on the number set, a new commutative semi-group is established in the integer number and extended in number fields of rational number, real number and the complex number. �������Ļ����ϣ����������Ͻ�����һ���µĽ�����Ⱥ��������������ʵ����������Ͻ������ƹ㣻
2. Based on the number set, a new commutative semi-group is established in the integer number and extended in number fields of rational number, real number and the complex number. �������Ļ����ϣ����������Ͻ�����һ���µĽ�����Ⱥ��������������ʵ����������Ͻ������ƹ㣻
3. A cardinal number indicating the absence of any or all units under consideration. '���'��''������ʾ�ڿ����²����ڵ���һ�����еĵ�λ��
4. He indicated that the baidu user cardinal number and the difference are big. ����ʾ���ٶȵ��û������Ͳ����Զ��dz���
5. Huge user cardinal number and steady user growth are Tecent other business brings larger dominant position. �������û��������ȶ����û�����Ϊ��Ѷ����ҵ������ϴ�����ơ�
cardinal cardinal-bishop �������;
cardinal number ����;
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cardinal number ����;
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