1. Many people think of bread as a carbohydrate food. ��������Ϊ�����һ��̼ˮ�����
2. Steamed dumpling contains low calorie, equivalent to only 70% of the latter, and lower fat and carbohydrate than rice. ��ͷ���������ͣ�ǰ��ֻ�൱�ں��ߵ�70%������֬�������ຬ���������͡�
3. Like protein and carbohydrate, adipose a kind of also be the body important nutrition, do not include any adipose food, can make metabolism disorder only. ���ʺ�̼ˮ������һ����֬��Ҳ�������һ����ҪӪ�����������κ�֬������ʳ��ֻ��ʹ�³´�л���ҡ�
1. an essential structural component of living cells and source of energy for animals; includes simple