1. A victory tonight can provide the assurance they need that last summer's capitulation was just an anomaly. ʤ�������������ṩ��֤��������Ҫ�ģ�ȥ�������Ͷ��ֻ������һ�ַ�������
2. To this end we must apply the principle of "independence and initiative within the united front" and overcome all tendencies towards capitulation or excessive accommodation. Ҫ�ﵽ���Ŀ�ģ�һ��Ҫʵ�С�ͳһս���еĶ������������ԭ��һ��Ҫ�˷�Ͷ�������Ǩ�����塣
3. To this end, we must strengthen the Party's organization and its armed forces, and mobilize the whole people for resolute struggle against capitulation, a split and retrogression. Ϊ���Ŀ�ģ���Ҫ���̵�����֯�����̵�����װ����������Աȫ�������з�Ͷ���������ѡ������˵ļ���Ķ�����
1. a summary that enumerates the main parts of a topic
2. the act of surrendering (under agreed conditions)