1. On the cape the scraped escapee taped the grapes into various shapes. �ں����ϣ����˵��ӷ��ô��Ӱ��������ɸ�����״��
2. Cape Department of your love, a girl had a boyfriend, I was stupid or really sick? ���ź��Ǵ����㣬һ���������ѵ�Ů���ӣ�����ɵ��������в���
3. The spring would come late, because you take away part of my spring, brought that I can not easily touch the cape! �����������ĺܳ٣���Ϊ��������ҵ�һ���ִ��죬�������Ǹ��Ҳ������״����ĺ��ǣ�
1. a strip of land projecting into a body of water
2. a sleeveless garment like a cloak but shorter