battle ����ָս���е�һ�ν�ȫ�桢ʱ��ϳ���ս����Ҳָ½������ijһ�ض��������е�ս���������֮��������� war ��ս�����ܳƣ�һ��ָ�������ս�۵Ĵ��ģս���� campaign ͨ��ָ��һ�����ս������ijһ�������е�һ�����мȶ�Ŀ�ĵľ����ж���Ҳ���������á� struggle ָ���һ�ʱ���������ս������������� war fare����ָս��״̬��������ս������ fight ����ͨ�ôʣ�����㣬ָս����������� combat ��ָ�����ж�����ָС��ģ��ս���������Ǹ� engagement ָ��ս������
1. We are campaigning for equal rights for women. �������ڿ�չ��Ůӵ��ƽ��Ȩ�����˶���
2. Insist on a campaign day. ÿ����һ���˶���
3. And I talked about this throughout the entire campaign. ����������ѡ��Ҳ�������������
1. a race between candidates for elective office
2. a series of actions advancing a principle or tending toward a particular end
3. several related operations aimed at achieving a particular goal (usually within geographical and tem
4. an overland journey by hunters (especially in Africa) v.
1. run, stand, or compete for an office or a position
2. exert oneself continuously, vigorously, or obtrusively to gain an end or engage in a crusade for a c
3. go on a campaign; go off to war