1. secondly, evaluates the project value which contains combined option and examines the nature of option interactions and option value non-additivity. �ڶ����о���������Ӱ���ʵ����Ȩ����Ŀ��ֵ��������ͨ����һ�����尸������ֵ�������ҳ����������Ȩ֮������õĻ��ơ�
2. In recovery mode after the option "Configuration" the option selected is the next option. �ڻָ�ģʽ�£�����ѡ����趨Ϊ��һѡ�
3. A spread strategy in which an investor buys an out-of-the-money put option, financing it by selling an out-of-the money call option on the same underlying security. һ�������֤ȯ�۸�����ʱ�ɻ������������Ȩ���ԡ�����������Ȩ�����Բ���������ԡ�����Ϊ������ʹ�۸�ϵ͵���Ȩ��������ʹ�۸�ϸߵ���Ȩ�����ߵĵ�����һ����
4. Put option and call option to a large extent, depend on financing, so that the portfolio may be subject to loss Control. ��������Ȩ�ܴ�̶��Ͽ�������Ȩ�����ʣ��Ӷ�ʹͶ����ϵĿ�����ʧ�����ܵ����ơ�
5. The contacting call and the warning call were the most often bird calls, the catering call and the responsive call were consecutive. ��������ͱ�������Ϊ��������Ӧ����Ӧ������һ�������Ĺ��̣�
call-of-more option ����˫����Ʊ��Ȩ;
call in call together convene convoke muster summon summons �ټ�;
calling call the roll call-over rollcall ����;
Effective in pre-call planning and after-call analysis ��Ч����ǰ�ƻ����º����;