1. Their fishing boats were cabled together before the storm came. �����꽵��ǰ�����ǵ��洬��������ϵ��һ��
2. Saves time on documentation: hardly any cable connection plans required. ��Լ�ĵ�ʱ�䣺��������Ҫ������Ʒ�����
3. Cable system is to receive part of the assembly language and useful download. ������ϵͳ�Ľ��ղ��֣��ǻ�����Եģ����õ������ء�
1. a telegram sent abroad
2. a conductor for transmitting electrical or optical signals or electric power
3. a very strong thick rope made of twisted hemp or steel wire
4. a nautical unit of depth
5. television that is transmitted over cable directly to the receiver
6. a television system that transmits over cables v.
1. send cables, wires, or telegrams
2. fasten with a cable
cable ����;
cable channel ���²�;
cable paper (����)����ֽ;