1. Know that their choice is perfect for them in this moment now��yet stand ready to assist them should the moment come when they seek a newer choice, a different choice��a higher choice. Ҫ֪�����ǵ�ѡ����Ŀǰ��һ���������ĨD�DȻ��Ҫ����ȥ������һ��֮������һ����ҪѰ��һ�����µ�ѡ��һ����ͬ��ѡ��D�Dһ�����ߵ�ѡ��Ļ���
2. The study presents a combined model for travel choice, destination choice, route choice and road toll pricing optimization in congestion transportation networks. �����ͨ�����г���ѡ������ѡ��·��ѡ��͵�·�շѶ��۵����ģ�͡�
3. Chooses us is not your only choice but certainly is your correct choice! ѡ�����Dz�����Ψһ��ѡ��һ��������ȷ��ѡ��
4. it was a choice , a straightforward language choice. What his achievement was an attitude hobnobbed with his life. His intent was materializing boppish and cartoon. ������ɵģ���һ�������ҵ�����ص�����̬�ȣ�������Ŀ�ģ�ȴ˿��Ҳ�����䲨�ջ��Ϳ�ͨ���˵��������С�
5. Institute for this, a simple intuitively know people, both friends and partners choice, the choice of suitable staff, is very helpful. ����о�����һ����ֱ����ʶ���ˣ����Ѻͺ�������ѡ��ѡ���ʵ��Ĺ�����Ա���Ƿdz�����ġ�
choice answers ���ʴ�;
Freak on my antics and give me a choice �����ҵĻĵ�������뷨������һ��ѡ��;