1. The sheep were taken abroad where they were butchered for meat. ��Ⱥ���ϵ����棬���������DZ���ɱ�������ˡ�
2. The butcher surprised with this, runs up, and stops the guy. �ⷷʵ�ڲ������������£�����ȥ��ֹ��һ
3. You buy a beefsteak and transfer it from the butcher's icebox to your own. ������һ��ţ�ţ�����������ı������Ƶ������Լ��ģ��������
1. a retailer of meat
2. a brutal indiscriminate murderer
3. a person who slaughters or dresses meat for market
4. someone who makes mistakes because of incompetence v.
1. kill (animals) usually for food consumption