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busy ['bizi]



    adj. æµ�ģ����ֵģ�����ռ�õ�
    vt. ʹæ��




    1. In the summer holidays,they busied themselves keeping the lawn in order.
    2. You should keep yourself busy every day.
    3. If you are too busy to laugh, you are too busy.


      1. keep busy with
      2. actively or fully engaged or occupied
      3. overcrowded or cluttered with detail
      4. intrusive in a meddling or offensive manner
      5. crowded with or characterized by much activity
      6. (of facilities such as telephones or lavatories) unavailable for use by anyone else or indicating un


    æ���ˣ�; ռ��; ��æ; æ;
    busy hour
    æʱ; ��æ�ӵ㣬��æʱ��; ��æСʱͼƬ; �߷�ʱ��;
    busy signal
    ���绰��ռ�ߵ�����; ռ���ź�; æ���ź�; æµ�ź�,æ���ź�,ռ���ź�=>�����ź�;
    Local Busy
    �л�æ; �ֲ�ռ�ߣ��л�æ;
    All Busy
    ȫæ,ȫ��ռ��; ȫæȫ��ռ��; ȫæ; ��æ;


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