1. Her dress is so tight the seams are bursting. ����������ô��������������ˡ�
2. The dam burst after a week of rain. ��ˮ����һ���ڵĽ���������ˡ�
3. He burst a blood vessel. ����һ��Ѫ�������ˡ�
1. the act of exploding or bursting something
2. rapid simultaneous discharge of firearms
3. a sudden flurry of activity (often for no obvious reason)
4. a sudden violent happening v.
1. break open or apart suddenly
2. force out or release suddenly and often violently something pent up
3. burst outward, usually with noise
4. move suddenly, energetically, or violently
5. be in a state of movement or action
6. emerge suddenly
7. cause to burst
8. break open or apart suddenly and forcefully adj.
1. suddenly and violently broken open especially from internal pressure (`busted' is an informal term f