�ɿ�Ӣ�� | ��дѵ�� | �龰�Ự | ��̨�� | ÿ��Ӣ�� | ������ | д�� | �ɿɵ��� | �ɿ���̳ | ������� | ��¼

�ʵ� | ���� | ���ʱ� | ������ | �ɿ���ҳ

bulk [bʌlk]



    n. �������������������󲿷֣����
    vt. ʹ����ʹ�γɴ�����ʹ�Ե���Ҫ




    1. Numerous small contributions soon bulk up into a considerable sum.
    2. Its bulk is unknown to me.
    3. Allows for bulk manipulation of item properties.


      1. the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts; the main part
      2. the property of something that is great in magnitude
      3. the property possessed by a large mass
      1. stick out or up
      2. cause to bulge or swell outwards


    ɢװ; ����; ����; ����;
    bulk pack
    ������װ; ɢװ; ����װ; ���װ��ɢװ;
    Bulk carrier
    ɢ����; ɢװ����ҵ; ɢװ����; ɢװ����;
    Bulk container
    ɢ����װ��; ɢװ����װ�䣬���װ��������; ɢװ����װ��; ��ʽ��װ��;
    bulk polymerization
    ����ۺ�; ����ۺ�; ��״�ۺ�; ����ۺϷ�;


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