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    1. Not only do they not bring to others, they do not bring even a scintilla of benefit to the perpetrator. They only bring destruction and unrest.
    2. Bring cranberry juice to boil in large saucepan. Add lime segments, fresh cranberries, and next 4 ingredients; bring to boil.
    3. And behold, men bring on a bed a man that was palsied: and they sought to bring him in, and to lay him before him.
    4. Full moons often bring endings or partings, and at other times they bring on an epiphany when certain facts become brilliantly illuminated.
    5. But I was the captain of my college hockey team, and I just bring the same kind of leadership to the factory as I used to bring to the rink.


    bring bring about
    ���������£�����; ����;
    bring about bring in
    ����; ����;
    Bring them back with Acquiesce
    bring the public service into disrepute
    ʹ������Ա����������; ʹ������Ա���������� ����Ա����;
    bring one's name into disrepute


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