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bridge [bridʒ]



    n. �ţ����ƣ��Ž���������
    vt. ���ţ��ɹ�



    1. The fallen tree has bridged the two porches.
    2. English is the bridge to world!
    3. I hate that bridge!


      1. a structure that allows people or vehicles to cross an obstacle such as a river or canal or railway
      2. a circuit consisting of two branches (4 arms arranged in a diamond configuration) across which a met
      3. something resembling a bridge in form or function
      4. the hard ridge that forms the upper part of the nose
      5. any of various card games based on whist for four players
      6. a wooden support that holds the strings up
      7. a denture anchored to teeth on either side of missing teeth
      8. the link between two lenses; rests on nose
      9. an upper deck where a ship is steered and the captain stands
      1. connect or reduce the distance between
      2. make a bridge across
      3. cross over on a bridge


    ����; ���š��Ž���; ǰ���������ݿ�; ����;
    platform bridge
    ����; ���� [����(��Դ):; ���� ��������Ӣ�ᆳ���������Ӣ����̳;
    bridge deck
    �����; ����; �Ű�; ����̨�װ�;
    London Bridge
    �׶���; �׶ش���; �׶ض���; ���ؘ�;
    bridge rectifier
    ��ʽ������; (��ʽ������)��������ֻ�����ܵ���ʽȫ��������·��; ��ʽ��������ʽ������; ��ʽ������·;


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