1. It was a lazy, breezy summer afternoon. ����һ����ɢ�ģ������������硣
2. We pass rapidly on into the March, to a breezy day without sunshine, frost, or dew. �������ۣ��ֵ����������¡���һ�죬��ϰϰ����û�����⣬Ҳû��˪¶��
3. The Breezy Meadow Cashmere Farm in Bellingham, Washington, says cashmere goats are big enough to be kept with sheep and cattle. λ�ڻ�ʢ�ٰ��ֺ�����ݵؿ�ʿ��ũ����Ϊ��ʿ��ɽ������������ţһ��������
1. fresh and animated
2. abounding in or exposed to the wind or breezes