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breathless ['breθlis]



    adj. �����������ģ�ֹͣ������




    1. The audience listened breathless, but the words refused to come.
    2. "Pardon, excuse me, sir, " he said, quite breathless, "but here are your fifteen hundred francs.
    3. Never again would a Bad Boy steal a woman away from me, and never again would a woman be anything less than completely fulfilled and breathless after sex with me.


      1. not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty
      2. tending to cause suspension of regular breathing
      3. appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse


    ��Ϣ; ������; ��ƣ����; ��Ϣ�İ�;
    T Breathless
    Breathless Mist
    A little breathless
    Shayne Ward-Breathless
    л�ɡ��ֵ� �� �޷�����;


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