1. The audience listened breathless, but the words refused to come. ��������Ϣ�������������ǻ�����û��˵������
2. "Pardon, excuse me, sir, " he said, quite breathless, "but here are your fifteen hundred francs. ���Բ�����ԭ�£�����������һ�洭������һ��˵������������һǧ��ٷ��ɡ���
3. Never again would a Bad Boy steal a woman away from me, and never again would a woman be anything less than completely fulfilled and breathless after sex with me. �ڲ�����һ�����һ�������߶���һ��Ů�ˣ��ڲ�����һ��Ů���ڸ��������ò�����ȫ�ģ�������Ϣ�������㣡�Ұ��¾��ġ�
1. not breathing or able to breathe except with difficulty
2. tending to cause suspension of regular breathing
3. appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse