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    1. Break down, see more with monoplegia or paraplegia, sometimes but limb paralysis, have disease urgenter, break down degree but can weigh gently.
    2. in terms of skills there is a break down in the decomposition point of about to break down after opening the parcel of equipment is OK in the green!
    �ڼ�������һ���ֽ��һ�·ֽ� �ڵ㿪������Ҫ�ֽ����ɫװ����OK �ˣ�
    3. One is to break down a stubborn foe, the other is a solid formation that is both difficult to break down, but also creates chances.
    4. Break, break, break, At the foot of thy crags, O Sea!
    5. To remove a page break, select a cell next to a page break and select Remove Page Break from the Insert menu.


    drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail
    drop dropt lay down let down plop put down set down stick down vail
    break break in break in on burst in cut in on cut into cut short interrupt
    break break in break in on burst in cut in on cut into cut short interrupt
    break break in break in on burst in cut in on cut into cut short interrupt


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