1. Break, break, break, At the foot of thy crags, O Sea! �����ˣ������ˣ������ˡ��������ʯ���£�����
2. To remove a page break, select a cell next to a page break and select Remove Page Break from the Insert menu. Ҫɾ����ҳ����ѡ����ҳ����һ����Ԫ��ѡ���롱�˵��ġ�ɾ����ҳ�������
3. To remove a page break, select a cell next to a page break and select Remove Page Break from the Insert menu. Ҫɾ����ҳ����ѡ����ҳ����һ����Ԫ��ѡ���롱�˵��ġ�ɾ����ҳ�������
4. In post-rift episode, part syndepositional faulted slope-break zone changed into bent slope-break zone. The two kinds of slope-break zones together controlled the distribution of sand bodies. ��������Ļ���ѻ����������ͬ������������ת��Ϊ�������ۣ����߹�ͬ������ɰ��ķ�����
5. The results showed that rice noodles were better in max break stress, cutting stress, max break strain and break work when paddies had been stored for longer time. �о�����������ȵĴ��������ӿ��Ը�������Ʒ�ʹ�������������ƶ�Ӧ��������Ӧ��������ƶ�Ӧ����ƶϹ����ӣ��������ԺͿ��������ܶ����á�
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