1. The knowledge structure has four phases: philosophy knowledge of technology, formal knowledge of technology, substantial knowledge of technology, and social knowledge of technology. �Ƽ���ѧ�Ƽ�ͨʶ�γ�֪֮ʶ�ܹ������IJ��֡��Ƽ�����ѧ֪ʶ���Ƽ�����ʽ֪ʶ���Ƽ���ʵ��֪ʶ���Ƽ������֪ʶ����
2. The subjectification of objective knowledge is to internalize knowledge on a certain media (objective knowledge) into the knowledge of human brain (subject knowledge). ��֪ʶ���ۻ����ǽ�������ijһ�����ϵ�֪ʶ����֪ʶ���ڻ������Ե�֪ʶ������֪ʶ��֮�С�
3. Based on the understanding about knowledge and information, knowledge transfer consists of the three processes of sending knowledge, managing information and absorbing knowledge. ���ڶ�֪ʶ����Ϣ�ں������⣬֪ʶ��ת�ƿɷ�Ϊ����֪ʶ�������ʹ�����Ϣ������֪ʶ�������̡�
4. Knowledge shared is the process across time and space from owner to accepter of knowledge, and it forms the foundation of knowledge w flow and knowledge innovation. ֪ʶ����ָ֪ʶ��֪ʶӵ���ߵ�֪ʶ�����ߵĿ�ʱ����ɢ���̣���������֪ʶ�����ʹ��µĻ�����
5. Knowledge and knowledge management are key factors in enterprise production actions, knowledge innovation is the core of enterprise knowledge management. ֪ʶ��֪ʶ��������ҵ������еĹؼ�Ҫ�أ�֪ʶ��������ҵ֪ʶ�����ĺ��ġ�
knowledge economy knowledge-base economy ֪ʶ����;
The Impact of Team Member's Explicit Demography and Tacit Social on Knowledge Innovation-The Mediating Effect of the Structural Holes of Knowledge Network �����Ա�����������������������֪ʶ����֮Ӱ��-֪ʶ��·�ṹ���н�Ч��,;
Very good product knowledge as well as process knowledge of proper ordering and stock keeping ���õIJ�Ʒ֪ʶ���ܽ������õ������ͱ��ֿ����;
simultaneous block right bundle branch and two fascicles left bundle branch ���壺����֧������֧ͬʱ����;
left bundle branch block masquerading right bundle branch block ���壺����֧��������α������֧��������;