1. Brake problems brake shoe and the gap between the brake drum is too small, temperature brake drum, trailer brake easily cause stagnation, such as fault locked; �ƶ����� �ƶ���Ƭ���ƶ���֮��ļ�϶��С���ƶ����¶����ߣ��������ƶ����͡������ȹ��ϣ�
2. The main drum hoist brake can adopt injection water cooling and compulsory water cooling circulation; Auxiliary brake can adopt water brake or air controlled water-cooled disc type brake. ����Ͳɲ����ѡ����ˮ��ȴ��ǿ��ѭ��ˮ��ȴ������ɲ���ɲ���ˮɲ��������ˮ����ʽɲ����
3. The main drum hoist brake can adopt injection water cooling and compulsory water cooling circulation; Auxiliary brake can adopt water brake or air controlled water-cooled disc type brake. ����Ͳɲ����ѡ����ˮ��ȴ��ǿ��ѭ��ˮ��ȴ������ɲ���ɲ���ˮɲ��������ˮ����ʽɲ����
4. Brake failures include poor brake performances, brake judder, brake deviation and brake noise, etc. �������ƶ�ϵ���ϰ����ƶ����ܲ������ƶ�������ƶ���ƫ���ƶ�������ȡ�