1. Work quite bouncy, stay have room for manoeuvre. �������е��ԣ����л�����ء�
2. I like to collect bouncy balls, they are very bouncy, and they are very colorful. �Ұ��ռ���Ƥ�����ǵĵ�����ǿ�����ǵ�ɫ�ʺܶࡣ
3. Ireland may look less overvalued than Spain because the available data go back only to 1990 and omit a period of less bouncy markets. ���������Ƽ۸�߹����࣬��Ϊ��ѭ����ֻ�ݵ�1990�꣬�Թ����г�����Ծ�ļ���ʱ�ڡ�
1. elastic; rebounds readily
2. marked by lively action