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boost [bu:st]



    vt. �ٽ������ӣ�֧Ԯ
    vi. ���͵��
    n. �ƶ�������������



lift   ָ���������е����ij�������ϸߵ�λ�á�
hoist   ��ָ�����������ֵȻ�е����������
raise   ����ʽ�ôʣ�������lift���ã���ǿ����ij������̧��Ӧ�еĸ߶ȡ����ñ�����
elevate   ����ʽ�ôʣ�ָλ�á��߶ȵ����ߣ����������ã�ְָλ��Ʒ�µȵ���ߡ�
heave   ָ�軨����������������ܾ����̧�����
boost   ԭ��ָ�Ӻ���������������ߣ��ֳ�����ָ��߼۸���������ȳ�����


    1. If you boost him up,he can just reach the top of the shelf.
    2. More promising is the fact that every country is planning to boost infrastructure spending.
    3. The aid package will include support for trade financing, help for banks, and a boost for infrastructure projects.


      1. the act of giving hope or support to someone
      2. an increase in cost
      3. the act of giving a push
      1. increase
      2. give a boost to; be beneficial to
      3. contribute to the progress or growth of
      4. increase or raise
      5. push or shove upward, as if from below or behind


    ��ѹ; �ƽ�; ������һ��ָ���������Ŵ���ǿ; ����;
    boost pressure
    ��ѹ; ��ѹѹ��; ��ѹ; ����ѹ��;
    bass boost
    ��������; ��Ƶ����; ������ǿ; ����ǿ��;
    boost engine
    ���ٷ�����; ���ٷ�����;
    boost gauge
    ��ѹ��; ��ѹ��; ��ѹѹ����;


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