1. Loss or lack of bodily strength; weakness; debility. ����ɥʧ��ȱ��������''��'����'��''��������
2. These choices opened up the space of bodily "learning" for evolution to evolve further. ��Щѡ��������塰ѧϰ���Ŀռ䣬ʹ�����õ���һ����չ��
3. The protrusion of an organ or other bodily structure through the wall that normally contains it; a rupture. �ޣ�ͻ�����ѳ���ijһ���ٻ�����������֯ͻ����������°������ǵ�ϸ���ڣ�ͻ����
1. of or relating to or belonging to the body
2. affecting or characteristic of the body as opposed to the mind or spirit
3. having or relating to a physical material body adv.
1. in bodily form