1. It is round and full bodied, with bright fruit flavors of blackberry, raspberry and black pepper. �������Բ����������ˮ����ζ�����ݮ����ݮ�Լ��ں�����ζ����
2. The overall sound remains pure Grado, warm harmonic color, full bodied vocals, excellent dynamics and an ultra smooth top end. �ܵ�������Ȼ�Ǵ���ĸ�£���ů��г��ɫ�ʣ�Ũ����ɤ������ɫ�Ķ�̬�ͳ�ƽ���ĸ߶ˡ�
3. When the Demon assumes the shape of a winged, red bodied beast it becomes vulnerable to my powerful winter magics, yet my "companions" insist their own enchantments surpass my own. ����ħ����Ϊһ����ɫ���������Ұ��ʱ����ɿ��Ա���ǿ���Ķ�ħ���˺��������ҵġ�ͬ���ǡ�������ǵ�ħ������ҵġ�
1. having a body or a body of a specified kind; often used in combination
2. possessing or existing in bodily form