1. Peach blossom brook drift: Peach blossom mountain stream which flows off from the elevation 1100 meter peach blossom point mountain peak canyon, is one of drift good regions. �һ�ϪƯ�����Ӻ���1100���һ���ɽ��Ͽ�ȼ����µ��һ�Ϫˮ����Ư���ĺõ���֮һ��
2. The wind blows, peach blossom joggles, just likes the girl in pink dancing happily. The rain comes, peach blossom just likes the moppets long for the water. ������ˣ��һ������ҡҷ��������һλ���ŷۺ�ɫ�·���С�������ڿ��ֵ��赸��
3. The wind blows, peach blossom joggles, just likes the girl in pink dancing happily. The rain comes, peach blossom just likes the moppets long for the water. ������ˣ��һ������ҡҷ��������һλ���ŷۺ�ɫ�·���С�������ڿ��ֵ��赸��
4. Pink cherry blossom and peach blossom, set off by the green forest! �ۺ�ɫ��ӣ�����һ�������ɫ����������ӳ�š�
5. A few magnolias, in the clearing before the front door, were in full blossom, and their white flowers gave out a heady fragrance. ��ǰ�����ϼ������������������İ���һ���������˵ıǶ�������
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out ɾȥ;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out ɾȥ;
carry out carry through follow out saw out seeing out �᳹;
cancel cross out dash out expurgation score out stroke out ɾȥ;
crush out die extinguish go out put out quench slake went out wink Ϩ��;