1. It includes five grades:��Large fault block, ��sub-large fault block, ��medium fault block, ��small fault block, ��mini faul block. �����ǣ���Ͽ顢�ϴ�Ͽ顢�жϿ顢С�Ͽ鼰��顣�����˸����Ͽ�Ŀ������ԡ�
2. It is including import block, export block, patulous memorizer block and communication network block in the system. ��Ӳ��ϵͳ��Ҫ��������ģ�顢���ģ�顢�洢����չģ�������ͨ��ģ��ȡ�
3. Compared with fact joint block, fact joint block combined with dorsal spinal radicle block can improve the therapeutic effect. �����������Ʒ�ʽ����ؽ��ۺ�������������Ч������ؽ������ϼ���֧���������Ե���Խ�ԡ�
4. The address of a logical block. Logical block addresses are typically used in hosts' I/O commands. The SCSI disk command protocol, for example, uses logical block addresses. �����̿�ĵ�ַ�������ַһ��������I/O������ʹ�á����磬SCSI��������Э��ʹ�õľ��������ַ��
5. Block copolymer dissolving in selective solvent can form micelles structures with the solvent insoluble polymer block forming the micell core and solvent soluble block the corona. Ƕ�ι�������ѡ�����ܼ��п�����γ��Բ���������Ϊ�ˣ��ܽ�������Ϊ�ǵĽ�����