1. Your blissfulness, your being more loved and more loving will take care of the whole thing. ��õ���ף�����Լ����మ�ͱ����ĸо�������������������õġ�
2. In the inner sky, in the inner world, freedom is the highest value - everything else is secondary, even blissfulness, ecstasy. �����ڵ���ա������ڵ��������������ߵļ�ֵ������ÿһ���¶��Ǵ�Ҫ�ģ�������ϲ�ֺͿ�ϲ��û������������������Ҫ��
3. True happiness comes from contentment. True Blissfulness comes from a peaceful mind. If we lead a simple way of life, our life will be fortunate. �����Ŀ��֣�����Ϊ֪�㡣�����ĸ�������Ϊ�İ������������ӣ��������Ҹ���