1. "Biff's father needed that, though, " Tina said. Ȼ���ȷ�ĸ�����Ҫ�����ġ�
2. This routine puts the people who know him in a quandary, because Biff has to watch his weight. �������ʹ����ʶ����������Ϊ�ѣ���Ϊ�ȷ���������������ء�
3. One afternoon, the Truesdales were telling me about the psychology that went into making Biff who he is. һ�����磬ͼ˹�ٶ����ҽ�������ѧ�������۵���˭�����˱ȷ�
1. (boxing) a blow with the fist
2. strike, usually with the fist